Saturday, June 23, 2007

ICT at home

I took the Kindergarten digital blue movie maker home for the weekend and Jordan and Kesia got to create movies with their friends. What an experience. Throughout the day six noisy children, at various times, trying to be directors, producers and actors!!! Kept them busy all day Saturday and their end product is just toooooo big to upload and put on blog. May have to treat you to a small part only. The best thing was watching the amazing teamwork across a age range of children from 7 to 11 both boys and girls! Lots of interesting ideas and crazy children willing to be "out there" in front of the camera and their friends! Next time your visiting just ask to see it, make sure you grab a cup of tea and take a seat, it does take awhile!


Kesia said...

Yep it was great fun
aye Mum. I Think we all had a great day and want to put our movies on Trade me to sell it.

Grandma said...

Not sure about the film being a hit on Trademe guys but it certainly was with Pop and I. We enjoyed your movie although I think Pop missed some of it.
Keep it up and who knows - Steven Spielberg might be interested one day in the Futureeeeeeeeee.

Beverly Kaye said...

awesome guys - I've always wanted to spend that kind of time with that camera. Hope your Mum brings it to Kindergarten to show off.