Saturday, June 23, 2007

ICT at home

I took the Kindergarten digital blue movie maker home for the weekend and Jordan and Kesia got to create movies with their friends. What an experience. Throughout the day six noisy children, at various times, trying to be directors, producers and actors!!! Kept them busy all day Saturday and their end product is just toooooo big to upload and put on blog. May have to treat you to a small part only. The best thing was watching the amazing teamwork across a age range of children from 7 to 11 both boys and girls! Lots of interesting ideas and crazy children willing to be "out there" in front of the camera and their friends! Next time your visiting just ask to see it, make sure you grab a cup of tea and take a seat, it does take awhile!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sam and Tessa in NZ!

It's great to have Craig, Angela, Sam and Tessa home on holiday in NZ! Today Sam and Tessa came to visit at Kindergarten and enjoyed working with our ICT equipment. Don't just love what they have turned me into!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Monday, June 4, 2007

Camping at Pataua - by Jordan

On Sunday I traveled to Pataua and went camping in a camper van at

Frog town when we got there we decided to go for a walk to the beach. We got told that something big was chasing fish into land so there were lots of fish all over the beach, we thought that we could use the fish as bait so we went to get the fishing lines and there were no hooks on them so we couldn`t go fishing . When we got back to the the camper van we decided to go down on the flying fox, it has been broken for a while so we fixed it and went up and down it for half an hour. After that we had dinner, for dinner we had a pie. After dinner we played cards and went to bed. When we woke up and had breakfast we went to climb the mountain, it was hard to climb the mountain because it was really steep and slippery and when we got to the top we had views of of all around Pataua and of all the islands like Little Barrier,Great Barrier,Hen And Chicks and the Poor Knights. It wasn`t an easy journey down because you kept slipping over. When we got back we went for a bike ride on a dirt track and got really dirty because of all the puddles, when we got back it was time to leave. I had a great time and loved it! Thank you to the Luitens!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

New bloggers!

Visited with the Alexander-Crawford family this afternoon. Phil, Nik, Tayla, Georgia, Billy & Maia have been following our blog with interest as they are off on a family holiday to the USA and Mexico in October this year. Over tea/coffee we started a blog, much to poor Maia's disgust as she was enjoying a story! I left Nik sitting on the couch having made her first post. 5 hours later I logged on and imagine my surprise when she has mastered blogging - posts about Maia and Billy and a Rock You picture show! Awesome work Nik, look forward to keeping up with your family photos and cant wait to watch your holiday blog... These photos were taken at Pataua Xmas 06!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Jordan on Guitar!

Not a song Jordan has practiced alot so he wasn't impressed that i am loading onto blog, but just working out how to do it. I think he sounds pretty impressive.